Friday, 29 November 2013


this was alittle test that i had come up with so that when i started my face paint i would be bale to see the facial forms that would be taking place so then i was going to look at all the clothing i should wear i wanted to be wearing something formal for the devil so make me look like i ad alot of power over people so then that would send across the right image.

character design

when i started to come up with the idea of the devil i wanted to either go with the traditional look or either have him look alot more menacing than the other version so i started to look around at different forms of him and i wanted to maybe introduce a skull form into the face where i would just face paint that onto my face and then i would still be able to show my facial expressions.

VFX - Idea

when i as thinking about my idea i started to look at different forms of god vs evil and this for took my fancy the most ive always liked the style of the person being stuck in the middle of everything to then when this came to mind i like how i could have good and evil on both shoulders so that the one person would have to choose his fate and test what he o she wanted to do .